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Open call - Manifesti 2023

20.2.2023 00:00

Photo: Jussi Virkkumaa

Open call for Tehdasfestivaali Manifesti - dl. March 12th, 2023.

The festival takes place in Turku, from September 12th to 24th, 2023.

We are calling for dance performances or/and performances with bodily expression aspects made by professional groups of performing arts. 

The work can be a live performance on-site or a digital performance. New forms of cooperation and implementation models are considered an advantage. This year we are looking for works not only for the venues in Manilla but also for the free access program.

Apply for the festival using the form that opens from the link below. Attach a description of the performance, the exact costs, the exact duration of the piece/performance, the technical rider, a link to a video, a picture and short text for marketing and a short introductory BIO.

The content group will make the selection by the end of March. The ones selected for the programme will be personally contacted in early April and all the applicants will be contacted when the selection has been made.

Information about spaces in Manilla: Manilla teatterin pohjakuva, Manilla teatteri ja StudioMakasiinisali, Vinttinäyttämö.

More information:

Siina Siltanen, producer, manifesti@manillantehdas.fi


Please note, that the form must be completed within 60 minutes. 

You can edit the application until the deadline expires from the link emailed to you upon confirmation.

Event has ended.

Event time

Starts:   20.2.2023 00:00
Ends:   12.3.2023 23:59

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Event location

Itäinen rantakatu 64b, C-talo
20810 Turku

View larger map and directions


Data protection and confidentiality
Personal Data Act (523/1999) 10 § and 24 §
Last updated 26.7.2021

Holder of the Registry
Regional Dance Centre of Western Finland
Itäinen rantakatu 64 b, C-talo, 20810 Turku

Contact person
Sanna Meska
Itäinen rantakatu 64b, C-talo, 20810 Turku, Finland

Name of the Registry
Network Registry

Purpose of the Registry
Purpose of the Registry is to sustain customer and network relations, keep contact and communicate to the members of the Registry. Information submitted to the registry will also be used to marketing and sales of the services provided by the Regional Dance Centre of Western Finland.

Data Content of the Registry
Information submitted to the registry:
- Potential customers
- Customer and network organisations and their person(s) of contact
- Name and contact information (phone, address and email) of private persons and organisations may be submitted to the Registry
- All the actions (marketing, communications, event invitations, negotiations etc. contacting of person/organisation) made towards a person or organisation will be saved

Source(s) of Information
Information is updated continuously.
Information is gathered through contacts of the Regional Dance Centre of Western Finland, in e.g. events, collaborators, partners and from people interested in communication. Data may be collected from publicly available sources and registries.

Sharing Information
Information is not shared with third parties.

Sharing or moving Information outside EU and ETA countries 
Information is not shared outside EU and ETA countries.

Protection of the Registry
The Registry does not include physical material.
Information submitted to the Registry is held in digital systems and servers managed by the Regional Dance Centre of Western Finland.

Data Inspection
All the private persons and organisations submitted to the Registry have the right to see their submitted information by sending an informal request to sanna.meska@l-tanssi.fi.

Data Correction
All the private persons and organisations submitted to the Registry have the right to demand correcting invalid information submitted to the Registry by sending an informal request to sanna.meska@l-tanssi.fi.

Other Rights in Processing Data
All the private persons and organisations submitted to the Registry have the right to prohibit processing submitted information to direct marketing, sales and surveys.